Friday, April 3, 2009


  • these are the types of orca in Antartica
  • Type A looks like a "typical" Killer Whale, living in open water and feeding mostly on Minke Whales
  • Type B is smaller than Type A. It has a large white eyepatch and a patch of grey colouring on its back, called a "dorsal cape". It feeds mostly on Seals
  • Type C is the smallest type and lives in larger groups than any other type of Killer Whale. Its eyepatch is distinctively slanted forwards, rather than parallel to the body axis. Like Type B, it has a dorsal cape. Its only prey observed so far is the Antaritic Cod

Type B and C Killer Whales live close to the Antarctic ice pack, and diatoms (a type of algae) in these waters may be responsible for the yellowish colouring of both types. Research is ongoing whether Type B and C Killer Whales are different species

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